The Deutsche Bank Share

Show content of 1. On what stock exchanges is the Deutsche Bank share listed?

The Deutsche Bank share is listed on stock exchanges in Germany and the US. For more details click here.

Show content of 2. Since when has the Deutsche Bank share been listed in the United States?

As of 3 October 2001, Deutsche Bank's Global Share (GRS) is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The ticker symbol is 'DB'.

Show content of 3. What are the ISIN code and the Reuters and Bloomberg symbols for the Deutsche Bank share?

ISIN code: DE0005140008
Reuters securities code (RIC): DBKGn.DE
Bloomberg symbol: DBK GR.
For further information please click here

Show content of 4. What type of stock has Deutsche Bank issued?

Deutsche Bank has issued ordinary registered shares. For further information please click here.

Show content of 5. What is the par value of a Deutsche Bank share?

Deutsche Bank shares are registered shares without par value. For further information please click here.

Show content of 6. Where do I get information about Deutsche Bank's share price development?

On Deutsche Bank's website there is a sophisticated near-time online share price information system (prices about 15 minutes delayed) with several charting tools. Please click here.

Show content of 7. When did you complete the last major capital increases? And by what number of shares?

April 2017:
On April 7, 2017 Deutsche Bank has successfully completed the capital increase from authorized capital against cash contributions it announced on March 5, 2017. The number of no par value shares of Deutsche Bank AG has increased by 687.5 million, from 1,379.3 million to 2,066.8 million through the public offering of new shares via subscription rights. The gross proceeds amount to approximately EUR 8.0 billion. The subscription price was 11.65 euros per share. 98,9 per cent of the subscription rights were exercised. The remaining new shares that were not subscribed will be sold in the market.

June 2014:
On June 25, 2014 Deutsche Bank completed the capital increase from authorized capital against cash contributions it announced on May 18, 2014. The number of shares of Deutsche Bank AG has increased by 359.8 million, from 1,019.5 million to 1,379.3 million, reflecting both the capital increase without subscription rights of 59.9 million shares completed earlier, and the Bank's public offering of new shares via subscription rights. The gross proceeds of these transactions amounted to EUR 8.5 billion.
In the public offering with subscription rights, 299.8 million new registered no par value shares (common shares) were issued. The subscription price was EUR 22.50 per share. 99.1% of the subscription rights were exercised. The remaining new shares that were not subscribed were sold on the market.

April 2013:
On April 30, 2013 Deutsche Bank placed 90 million new shares with institutional investors by way of an accelerated book build offering. The placement price was Euro 32.90 per share. The aggregate gross proceeds amounted to Euro 2.96 billion. Deutsche Bank AG acted as sole bookrunner for the offering. The purpose of the capital increase is to strengthen the equity capitalisation of the bank.

October 2010:
On October 6, 2010 Deutsche Bank completed the capital increase from authorized capital against cash contributions, which it had announced on 12 September 2010. In total, 308.6 million new registered no par value shares (common shares) were issued. 99.31 percent of the subscription rights were exercised by the owners of the subscription rights, and thus 306.51 million new shares were issued at a subscription price of EUR 33.00 per share. The remaining 2.13 million new shares that were not subscribed on the basis of the subscription offer will be sold on the stock exchange.
The share capital (common shares) of Deutsche Bank AG has thus increased by EUR 790.1 million, from EUR 1,589.4 million to EUR 2,379.5 million, and the gross issue proceeds amounted to EUR 10.2 billion.
The capital increase was primarily intended to cover capital consumption from the planned Postbank consolidation, but also supported the existing capital base to accommodate regulatory changes and business growth.

March 2009:
We issued 50 million shares worth EUR 958 million through a capital increase in kind for the purchase of a minority shareholding in Deutsche Postbank AG from Deutsche Post AG. As a result of this, Deutsche Post AG held a stake of approximately 8% in Deutsche Bank until this was disposed of in its entirety at the beginning of July 2009.

September 2008:
On Septemer 22, 2008 Deutsche Bank placed 40 million new registered shares without par value with institutional investors by way of an accelerated bookbuilt offering. The placement price was Euro 55 per share. The aggregate gross proceeds amount to Euro 2.2 billion. Deutsche Bank AG acted as sole bookrunner for the offering. The purpose of the capital increase was to finance the acquisition of a minority stake of 29.75 % in Deutsche Postbank AG from Deutsche Post AG and to maintain the strong equity capitalisation also following the acquisition.

April 1999:
The capital increase during the acquisition of Bankers Trust was part of the funding strategy for this deal. The capital was increased by approximately EUR 3.3 billion and about 80 million new shares were issued.

Show content of 8. What is the shareholder structure of Deutsche Bank? Who are the largest shareholders?

Measured by share capital owned institutional investors are the largest group of shareholders. For additional information please click here.

Show content of 9. What is the number of Deutsche Bank's issued shares?

Information on the number of issued shares please find here.

Show content of 10. Can I purchase shares directly from the bank?

No, Deutsche Bank does not offer a Direct Share Purchase Program at this time.

The Company

Show content of 1. When was Deutsche Bank founded?

Deutsche Bank was originally founded in 1870.
Today's Deutsche Bank AG was established on May 2, 1957 by the (re-) merger of three regional institutions (Norddeutsche Bank AG, Hamburg, Deutsche Bank AG West, Düsseldorf, formerly Rheinisch-Westfälische Bank AG and Süddeutsche Bank AG, Munich) which had been demerged from Deutsche Bank in 1952. For additional information on Deutsche Bank's history please click here.

Show content of 2. What is the number of Deutsche Bank' s employees world-wide?

At the end of 2024 Deutsche Bank reported 89,753 FTEs (full time equivalents) of which 35,160 were based in Germany.

Registered shares

Show content of 1. When was the conversion of Deutsche Bank's bearer shares into registered shares?

On 30 August 1999 Deutsche Bank converted its bearer shares 1 to 1 into registered shares.

Show content of 2. Will I be automatically registered, if I buy Deutsche Bank shares?

If an investor acquires Deutsche Bank shares and does not stipulate otherwise, the investor will be registered with the Deutsche Bank Share Register. This registration into the investor's name enables Deutsche Bank to communicate directly with its shareholders and facilitates shareholders' ability to exercise their rights. Please note that due to local regulations and operating procedures some shareholders that hold the securities via banks/brokers outside of Germany are not directly registered.

Show content of 3. When do you delete my personal data from the Share Register?

Usually your personal data will be deleted from the Share Register after the sale of all your Deutsche Bank shares.

Financial information

Show content of 1. When is the next earnings release?

Please click on our Financial Calendar for further details on our events.

Show content of 2. Where do you publish your Annual Reports?

We publish the Annual Reports on our website. For reasons of sustainability, we no longer provide printed versions of our Annual Reports.

Annual General Meeting

Show content of 1. When will the next Annual General Meeting take place?

The next Annual General Meeting will take place on May 22, 2025.

Show content of 2. How can I attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM)?

Shareholders registered in the Deutsche Bank Share Register will automatically receive an invitation and any necessary documentation prior to the AGM. In case you are not directly registered, you should receive all documentation from your bank or broker.

Show content of 3. How do I exercise my voting rights in case I am not present at the AGM?

Shareholders who are registered with the Deutsche Bank Share Register will receive documentation directly from Deutsche Bank about possible representation. Shareholders have the option to vote by proxy. If they decide to authorize the company they can send their instructions by mail or via the internet.

Show content of 4. What was the percentage of share-capital represented on the last Annual General Meeting?

The share capital represented at the virtual Annual General Meeting of May 16, 2024 was 48.38%.

Dividend Payments

Show content of 2. When is the next dividend payment?

Management Board and Supervisory Board propose dividend payments to the Annual General Meeting on the basis of the annual financial statement for the previous financial year. The dividend payment generally occurs following the approval of the Annual General Meeting.

As communicated at our preliminary results for the 2024 financial year in January 2025, we plan to propose a dividend of 68 cents per share at the 2025 Annual General Meeting.

Show content of 3. How do I get the dividend payment?

The dividend will either be automatically transferred to your bank account or delivered by check.

Show content of 4. Do you have a dividend reinvestment program (DRIP)?

No. It is presently under consideration, but due to legal constraints in several countries, it is not expected in the medium term.